加快西部地区开发 ,有赖于三股合力协调 :一是区域政策的调整与完善 ,加大中央政府对西部地区的政策投入、资金投入的力度 ;二是推进东西部之间的区域协作、要素流动和资产重组 ;三是加快西部改革开放步伐。西部地区自然条件的复杂程度超过美国 ,从可预见的未来看 ,西部大开发总体规划宜以 5 0年为期。
To expedite exploration of west areas of China, three joined forces must be coordinated: first, adjustment and perfection of regional policies, strengthening policy emphasis and capital investment by the central government for the west areas; secondly, promoting regional cooperation between east and west areas; the flow of production factors and reorganization of assets, thirdly, expediting reform and opening steps of west areas. The complexity of natural conditions in west areas of China has far exceeded that of America, and therefore in the foreseeable future, the planned term of great exploration of west areas should be 50 years.
Journal of China National School of Administration