本文认为:世界经济的全球化趋势并非新现象,90 年代以来全球化进程之所以明显加快,一是因为冷战的结束,二是因为资本在世界范围内对劳动取得了新的优势;全球化实际上是资本主义向全世界蔓延,使整个世界范围》资本主义化"的新进程;目前的全球化进程是资本主义发展的最新阶段;全球化时代世界经济的基本矛盾是》国际化"和》民族化"之间的矛盾,其主要表现是西方发达国家同发展中国家的矛盾,即资本主义的》中心"同》外围"的矛盾。
This article holds that the trend of globalization of world economy is not a new phenomenon. However, its process has been quickened in the 1990s because of the ending of the Cold War and the new superiority of labor gained by capitalist countries. According to the author, globalization is actually a spread of capitalism in the world. In fact it is a new stage of world wide “capitalization'. During this period of time the basic economic contradiction is the one between “internationalization' and “nationalization' manifested in the form of conflicts between the developed countries in the West and the developing countries, that is, the conflicts between the “core' and “periphery' of capitalism.
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