Abstract This article analyzes in details the academic progress and major theories of Clifford Geertz , the prominent contemporary master of interpretative anthropology. The article holds that as a leading figure in “Symbolic anthropology', Geertz has played an extremely important role in the transition of anthropology since the 1960s. His academic progress can be seen in three stages, namely, the first signs of interest in religious life and experience of symbols; interest in current social economic problems then; and resumed concerns with symbols and culture. His research work in areas of description, local knowledge and understanding of culture are all marked by basis of 'interpretation anthropology'. According to Geertz the basic properties of human culture are symbolic and interpretative, and, likewise, as a science of research in culture, the nature of anthropology is also interpretative. If viewed in the light of Marxist theories Geertz's concept of culture tends to ignore the features of multi variance and ideology in culture. Besides, it may lead to misreading of non Western cultures. However, his contribution in recognition of the values of borderline world is undeniable.
Teaching and Research