

Transform the Ideas, Realize the Thorough Opening and Thorough Comprehensiveness of the in Chinese Teaching
摘要 中央电大自成立以来,曾对传统的文科教学模式进行了大量的改革和试验,虽然取得了可喜的成绩,但仍存在着令人思考并亟待解决的一系列问题.目前,从教育部到学校,都提出了“大文科”的概念,但什么是大文科?大文科在教学目的、教学计划(课程设置)、教学方式上究竟与传统的文科教学有哪些不同? At present there are approximately two types of Chinese teaching patterns: to set up the traditional Chinese language and literature courses, and to open the courses for the need of learners. Both types have failed to reflect the overall educational object of cultivating the quality and the ability.Chinese is a core subject of national education, whose educational target is to cultivate the high-quality accomplishments for culture, and the basic ability of observation, of read-ing analysis, of thinking, of expression and of creativity, etc. If ideal teaching effects are desired to be achieved on both the aspect of quality and ability within the three-year's college teaching of those study-and-work learners, we should transform the traditional thoughts and, what' s especially essential is to design the courses scientifically.The reform in Chinese teaching must follow the way of thorough opening and thorough comprehensiveness: cancel the entrance examination, implement exclusive credit system; set up those courses satisfying the need of the social development; make fundamental com-pulsory courses focus on quality and basic ability and be more directive; grant students e-nough freedom to choose their specialized courses; allow and encourage students to select the courses across the major according to their own demand; the Central TV University takes the general control of credits.The thorough comprehensiveness of Chinese teaching must be accompanied by the re-forms in teaching method. Teachers ought to provide learners with more and better teaching support and service, and with a scientific teaching environment. They must guide learners to learn by themselves, learn according to their need, and learn how to 'learn'.
作者 张继缅
出处 《开放教育研究》 1999年第6期29-31,47-48,共5页 Open Education Research
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