一、时代已经迫使人们正视世界的巨大变化。必须致力于人力资源的开发 随着计算机走进千家万户,网络、知识经济等一些全新的概念正逐步为人们所熟识。尽管知识经济才见端倪,但离我们已不遥远。200多年前,在以纺织机和蒸汽机为代表的人类历史上第一次产业革命中,由于历史原因,我们与之擦肩而过,失去与世界科技同步发展的良机,结果使中华民族蒙受了100多年的屈辱。今天。当知识经济叩响世纪之门。
The changing world forces people to look at it positively and make the full use of human resources. The four characteristics of distance and open education (open, flexible, various and efficient) make it possible to fully exploit its human resources. Yet, how to attain a healthy development in distance and open education and how to make a full use of our human resource, turning the population burden of the country into an advantageous resources needs a lot of efforts. The author put forward matters that need our attention according to present situations.
Open Education Research