This paper takes a futuristic leap into open and distance education in Asia with particular reference to research in Asian countries. It uses two major reports and research activities as signposts: the general review of the field done in the early 90s by UNESCO and the National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME) in Japan, and a major comparative study of the administrative styles, educational processes, and outcome assessment strategies of selected Asian open universities currently being undertaken at the Open University of Hong Kong. In the process, the paper will also provide some sense of the status and direction for research in the region, discuss briefly the trajectory of open and distance education research and institutional development in Asia, and outlines what seem to be the strength and weaknesses in the research currently undertaken. Finally, the paper discusses the issues involved in building open and distance education research infrastructure in Asian Commonwealth countries and present the major project being undertaken at CRIDAL OUHK through a stock taking exercise of the 90s and the mapping of research strategies beyond 2000.
Open Education Research