

摘要 Chinese Economy and the World at the Turn of the Century China’s reform and opening upiscloselyrelated with catching upthe opportunitiesinthe world transitional processes. The end ofthe Cold Warbroughtfavorableinternationalenvironmentto China.Therapid processof globalization,theturn ofthe world economytofocuson quality and profit,andthe wave ofindustry escalation provide good conditions for China’s reform and opening up.Since China grasped the aboveopportunitiesand carried outthereform in a step- by-step way,China hasgainedremark able achievementsthatattracts worldwide attention.Attheturn ofthe century,China willenterits crucialsecond phase ofitsstrategic development.Though opportunities exist,weface many chal lengesthatcan notbeignored,whichincludesuch pressuresasinternationalcompetition ,scientific development,sustainedeconomicdevelopment,resourcesand population,andglobalization.Conse quently,in strategy we needto:(a) rely on domestic demand increase and explore new develop ments;(b) strengthenthe powerofdominantindustriesto bring comprehensive developmentofthe industry group;(c) pay attentiontointegralcoordinationto promotecomprehensivesocialprogress; (d)facethe worldsoasto mergeintothe world and deepenthereform andopeningup.Attheturn ofthe century,theriseof China will makeabiggercontributionto mankind.Theeconomicdevelop mentof China willenlargethescope ofworld market.China willplay a biggerrolein world econo my.Thetransition of Chinafrom a regionaleconomic powerto a world one will push forward themulti- polarization processin world economic pattern.Astronger China willalso exert a profound impacton world socialistcourse. Chinese Economy and the World at the Turn of the Century China’s reform and opening upiscloselyrelated with catching upthe opportunitiesinthe world transitional processes. The end ofthe Cold Warbroughtfavorableinternationalenvironmentto China.Therapid processof globalization,theturn ofthe world economytofocuson quality and profit,andthe wave ofindustry escalation provide good conditions for China’s reform and opening up.Since China grasped the aboveopportunitiesand carried outthereform in a step- by-step way,China hasgainedremark able achievementsthatattracts worldwide attention.Attheturn ofthe century,China willenterits crucialsecond phase ofitsstrategic development.Though opportunities exist,weface many chal lengesthatcan notbeignored,whichincludesuch pressuresasinternationalcompetition ,scientific development,sustainedeconomicdevelopment,resourcesand population,andglobalization.Conse quently,in strategy we needto:(a) rely on domestic demand increase and explore new develop ments;(b) strengthenthe powerofdominantindustriesto bring comprehensive developmentofthe industry group;(c) pay attentiontointegralcoordinationto promotecomprehensivesocialprogress; (d)facethe worldsoasto mergeintothe world and deepenthereform andopeningup.Attheturn ofthe century,theriseof China will makeabiggercontributionto mankind.Theeconomicdevelop mentof China willenlargethescope ofworld market.China willplay a biggerrolein world econo my.Thetransition of Chinafrom a regionaleconomic powerto a world one will push forward themulti- polarization processin world economic pattern.Astronger China willalso exert a profound impacton world socialistcourse.<
作者 傅梦孜
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第10期6-11,46-47,共8页
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