Abstract China's
economy was no less developed than that of Roman Empire at 500 AD. Around 1,000 A.D, China
was approaching the threshold of an industrial revolution. It can be said that in the millennium
starting from 500 AD. To 1500 AD. Chinese civilization was in the forefront of the world.
However, China's long superiority over other cultures also produced a sense of culturalism, or
China-centredness, and a habitual ignorance of the achievements of other cultures. Her
reluctance to meet new challenges eventually resulted in China's decline in late Qing period.At
present, China is undergoing a profound social and cultural transformation. To revive China and
to create a modern civilization, Chinese people must rediscover the spirit of creativeness and
vitality, which made China at the forefront of the world. For this aim, there is a need for a
cultural renaissance movement in China.
Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)