:《离骚》中的屈原与《浮士德》中的浮士德 ,是两个极其相似又迥然不同的艺术形象 ,他们的上下求索与自强不息 ,都是新旧社会制度交替时期时代精神的强烈反映 ,对各自的民族都有着深远的影响。比较这两个艺术形象 ,我们不仅能了解中西方民族对真、善、美的共同追求 ,而且也可了解中西异质文化的内涵。
Qu Yuan in 'Li Sao'and Faust in 'Faust'are two artistic images who are simliar to each other but different in many aspects.Their constant expioration and striving to be stronger are the clear reflection of the spirit during that period of time when the transition occurred from the old social system to new one.It has a profound effect on all nations.This comparison not only makes us know the west and east for the true,the good and the beautful,but also have a better understanding of the connotation,spirit and characteristics possessed by the different cultures of the west and east.
Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)