
论当代民族主义的现实基础与内容特征 被引量:1

Towards the Realistic Foundation of the Contemporary Nationalism and Its Content Features
摘要 民族主义是一种极具影响力的、复杂的世界现象,认清它很难。民族主义存在的现实基础包括:世界各民族社会发展的严重不平衡,现实世界秩序的极为不公正,现行资本主义社会制度的扩张性,民族国家和民族分离势力的利益冲突等,其中有许多重要方面都与国际资本主义有很大的关系。民族主义的内容特征主要表现为:对某些尚未建立民族国家的民族而言,主张民族分离.建立民族国家仍是其民族主义追求的最高目标;对于已建立民族国家的西方发达国家而言,继续推行政治、经济、文化、军事扩张主义仍是其民族主义的重要内容;对于已建立民族国家的发展中国家而言,对外反对霸权主义,对内发展民族经济则是其民族主义的核心内容。当代民族主义的内容中,仍然包含着无产阶级与资产阶级的矛盾,在这种矛盾中,占支配地位的还是国际资本主义的民族主义。 Nationalism is a world phenomenon which is extremely influential and complicated, and which it isnot easy to get a clear understanding of . The realistic foundations the existence of nationalism relies on,consists of the grave unbalance betWeen the social developments of all nations the world over, the extremeinjustice in the actual world older, the expansionism of the curent capitahst social order, and theconflict of interests between the national countries and the forces of national separatism, etc., many ofthe foregoing important facts being closely connected with the international capitalism. The content ofnationalism may be chamterized as follows. As regards those who have not yet set up their nationalcountries, they will advocate the national separation and regard the setting up of a national country as theultimate objective for which their nationalism is seeking; as for those western countries, which havealready been national and, what is more, developed countries, they will continue to carry outexpansionism in political, economic, cultural and military fields, and take all of them as the maincontent of their nationalism; and as concerns those who have already been national and developingcountries, they will pursue the policy to struggle against hegemonism abroad while develop the nationaleconomy at home, and take it as the core content of their nationalism. Still contained in the content ofthe contempoary nationalism is the constriction between the working class and the capitalist class, andof this contradiction the predominant aspect continues to be the nationalism of the internationalcapitalism.
作者 孙振玉
机构地区 宁夏大学历史系
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期32-36,104,共6页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
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