饶宗颐、俞剑华、王伯敏等美术史专家 ,十分关注清初在广东活动的诗僧大汕 ( 16 33~ 170 5)的画学成就。新发现苏州灵岩寺藏大汕 16 80年《维摩诘变相图》有大汕跋文 ,提出人物画的“南北宗”问题。以往 ,人们多讨论山水画南北宗 ,大汕提出人物画南北宗问题 ,是受其老师著名画学理论家沈颢 (沈朗倩 ,1586~ 16 6 1)《画》 (HuaZhu)的影响 ,这些新发现 ,大大提升了我们对大汕在清初画坛中地位的认识。
Rev. Dashan (1633-1705), a poet\|monk who lived in Guangdong in the early Qing Dynasty, has attracted the close attention of some art historians such as Prof. Jao Tsung\|I, Yu Zhenhua, Wang Bomin, with his distinguished achievement in art studies. According to the postscript attributed to his Vimalakīrti and Majus' ri in 1680, a work which has been lately discovered in the Lingyan Monastery of Suzhou, Rev. Dashan had then raised the issue of “Southern and Northern Schools” of figure painting. Previously this issue used to concern with landscape painting. Rev. Dashans inspiration was provoked by “Hua Zhu,” an article written by his teacher Shen Hao (also named Shen Langqian, 1586-1661), who was also a famous art critic. These new discoveries are much helpful for the improvement of our understanding of Rev. Dashans position in the field of art in the early Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)