

A Study on the Returning Law of Hi-technology in Knowledge-based Economy──and Discussing the Prerequisite of the Increasing Return of Knowledge-based Economy
摘要 知识既是内生变量,又是外生变量,这是理解高科技知识报酬规律的基础。高科技知识的报酬递增与递减都有可能,这是由高科技知识创新系统的各生产要素的供给有限性和该系统的自组织能力的有限性决定的。在一定条件下,高科技知识创新存在一个阈值,每次高科技知识大的突破,都是系统进入一个新的发展周期,在这个新的发展周期有比前一个周期更高的阈值。要使高科技知识在整个发展过程保持持续报酬递增,必须加速创新和整合,使之在未到达报酬递减前就进入下一个周期的递增阶段;知识经济时代高科技知识创新的报酬保持持续递增是有可能的,但要把这种可能性变为现实必须采取有效措施。 Knowledge is not only an endogenous variable, but also an exogenous variable, which is the base to understand the char-acteristic of the returning law of hi-technology in knowledge-based economy. The increasing or decreasing return of hi-technology is allpossible in a developing period, which results from the limitation of the factors' supply of system and its capability of self-organization.Every period of knowledge development has a ceiling limitation. In order to keep a sustainable increasing return, creating and reunitingare necessary, which make it possible to enter into a new increasing retum stage of the new developing period having a higher ceilinglimitation.
作者 王克强
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第6期23-27,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 知识经济 高科技 报酬规律 创新 整合 knowledge-based economy hi-technology returning law creation reuniting
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