
世界经济的新情况与新问题 被引量:1

New Developments and Problems in the World Economy
摘要 世界经济的新情况与新问题陶坚陈凤英世纪之交,全球经济发展的强劲势头和进入“黄金时代”的光明前景令人兴奋,东亚金融危机及世界经济潜在的不确定性则使人不安。其对正在进一步与世界市场接轨的中国经济必将产生影响。本文就此谈谈粗浅看法。一、经济成长:动力依然强... AbstractAffected by the financial crisis in East Asia, the global economy's growth rate has been lowered to some extent. However, its overall operation is still healthy with powerful motive forces, and its increasing range being further widened. The three agreements reached last year within WTO will speed up the liberalization process of global trade and increase market capacity, hence the growth of the international trade will continue to rise. East Asia's financial unrest seems to be coming to an end, but still has left tremendous problems which should be dealt with, such as frail stock markets and foreign exchange markets. The continuous growth of American economy, the EFTA being on the track of hotshot, as well as the swift rising of major developing powers will redefine the world pattern of economic strength.More people will come to know 'intellectual economy'. The thought on the crossing-century development of each country will tend to be more clear. East Asia's economy has entered a transformable stage. Therefore, the self-invention ability of the East Asian model will be further tested. In China, 'soft landing' has been achieved successfully in the economic field, whereas there is still a long way to go for the deepening of the reform program.
作者 陶坚 陈凤英
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期8-12,共5页
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