

U.S.-China Economic Relations on the Eve of the Summit
摘要 我很高兴就美中之间增长的经济纽带谈几句。在广泛的双边及多边经济问题上经济接触的质量,将有助于决定21世纪中美两国人民的富裕。 I am delighted to offer a few words about the growing economic ties between the United States and China.The quality of our economic engagement,on a wide range of bilateral and multilateral economic issues, will do much to define the prosperity of the people of China and America into the 21st century.China is already our fifth largest trading partner and America is your largest investor after Taiwan and Hong Kong. The upcoming summit in June will no doubt provide an additional impetus for improving the bilateral commercial relationship.Behind the statistics, however,stand several very real challenges in this dynamic and evolving economic relationship.Challenge number one is assuring a more balanced trading relationship. We believe our everincreasing commercial ties help buttress the broader Sino-American relationship.The deficit is simply unsustainable politically.The best way to meet this challenge is to increase America exports to China. China should open its markets wider to U.S.goods and services.not just for our high technology.but for basic goods like citrus and wheat.I look forward to a stronger American trade and commercial presence in your market in the future.Challenge number two------which is closely tied to challenge number one------is to bring China into the World Trade Organization(WTO) . As my Chinese friends say, China needs the WTO and the WTO needs China. The United States completely agrees. We have consistently supported China' s participation in the WTO and its seat at the table in key international organizations. Completing an accession protocol, however, will depend on providing market access to United States and foreign businesses that will genuinely enhance their competitiveness in the China market.Challenge number three relates to bilateral economic and trade issues. A trade relationship as rich and complex as ours demands continued high level and constructive consultations.Let me address here four significant bilateral issues. First, in recent years, we have made great progress in promoting a framework to protect the intellectual property of American and foreignfirms in China------in software, entertainment,protection of pharmaceutical patents, and other areas. This is a continuing challenge and requires constant, dedicated efforts. The second bilateral concern relates to the activities of direct sellers in China. American direct sales companies were recently swept up in China's decision to outlaw the activities of direct sellers. We understand the concerns that led to this prohibition and the need to protect the Chinese public from fraudulent, corrupt and disorderly practices. However, we believe that American direct sellers have acted responsibly in China and that a way must be found to protect their legitimate interests as well as the jobs of Chinese employed in this sector. Bilateral concern number three is textiles. Textiles have been a very important component of our bilateral relationship. Recent years have alsowitnessed cooperative efforts in trying to reduce transshipments through third countries. And bilateral concern number four is the need to negotiate new bilateral civil aviation and maritime agreements.A fourth challenge relates to the ongoing Asian financial crisis. We need to remain in close contact,primarily through multilateral meetings and institutions,to assist countries restructuring their economies to stay the course. We need to work together to help strengthen the international-financial system.Challenge number five on the economic front is working together to build the foundation for a global information infrastructure. The move into the new world of the 21st century will require a flexible regulatory structure, open access for all information providers, a competitive environment and private investment, especially from innovative small and medium enterprises. America stands ready to work with China to move ahead in this regard.
作者 尚慕杰
出处 《中国经贸画报》 1998年第6期9-11,95-96,共5页
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