
轿车业:全球搏杀 中国安危?

China's sedan car industry in global competition
摘要 轿车业全球搏杀轿车业在全球范围正经历着一场大的搏杀,专家们对这一领域的前景越来越悲观。由于所面临的不确定因素日益增加,各个轿车企业的前途变得更加飘忽不定,难以预测。分析家指出:“你会发现世界轿车业正经历着最寒冷的冬天。生产严重过剩是一个必须面对的残酷事实,当这个冬天结束后,有很多曾经显赫一时的企业可能将不复存在。”目前世界轿车的年产量可达到6000万辆,而销量只有4000万辆。在此背景下,这场“搏杀” The world currently is able to produce 60 million cars annually, but only 40 million can be sold. Under this circumstance, the merger of manufacturers has become inevitable. A short time ago, Daimler-Benz, the largest German industrial group, and Chrysler, the third largest automobile company in the United States, reached a merger agreement. This was followed by the purchase of Rolls Royce at the high price of 479 million pounds by the German Volkswagen Co. In Asia, the Southeast Asian financial crisis has added difficulties to the already sluggish car market. While Nissan Motor, the second largest Japanese car manufacturer, has entailed US$46 billion of losses, two major producers in the Republic of Korea, the fifth largest automobile manufacturing country in the world, have declared bankruptcy one after another. The Thailand automobile industry, known as the Detroit in Southeast Asia, has also suffered a heavy blow. China's sedan car industry seems to be spared of this crisis, thanks to the country's high tariff wall and protective policies. Chinese-made cars, however, lag far behind the international level in terms of quality, while the price is exceptionally high. A Toyota Camry that is sold for US$20,000 (around 160,000 yuan) in the United States is priced more than 500,000 yuan in China. If the tariff barrier is lifted, the Chinese purchasers will naturally prefer Toyota Camry to locally made Santana 2000 and Jetta GTX that are of similar price but inferior quality. China currently only possesses the capacity to develop and produce trucks and ordinary coaches, but lacks the capacity to produce and develop sedan cars that represent the highest level of the worldwide auto industry. The lack of managerial and technical personnel and other necessary professionals for this advanced industry determines that China can hardly catch up with the world level within a short time. To catch up with its international counterparts, the Chinese sedan car industry should choose an applicable way of development in accordance with China's own conditions.
作者 李玉龙
出处 《中国经贸画报》 1998年第12期16-19,92,共5页
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