一、序言唐代金银器中,包括输入品、仿造品,也有外来影响下的创新作品,许多尚未辨识出来。以往学者在论述唐代的金银器时,曾笼统地指出受外来文化的影响,但缺乏具体论证。近些年已有一些输入品被鉴别出来,有关唐代金银器的外来影响的讨论也开始随之趋于具体、深入。然而,对资料较多、外来文化影响显著的金银带把杯的讨论则甚少。 60年代初,西安沙坡村窖藏出土了两件素面银带把杯,报导简单,没有更多说明。
Among the gold and silver articles from the Tang period, there are some 'Sogdian type' vessels in the Central Asian style. They fall into imported objects,domestic imitations, and creations made under influence from abroad; the most representative is the handled cup. In previous studies,these vessels were usually identified as products of the Tang period,and sometimes as those bearing,in general terms,western cultural or Sassanian influence. The handled gold and silver cups of the Tang preriod known so far number over 30, in- cluding unearthed from archaeological sites and collected in museums all over the world. This sort of vessel is absent among the ancient Chinese objects of traditional forms. In the Sogdian region,some dozen of such articles have been recorded by now, constituting the main type among the Sogdian silver vessels. As for Sassanian silver-ware,there has been no report on such cups. Therefore, the emergence of handled gold and silver cups in Tang period Chi- na must have been concerned with Sogdian silver-ware as the most possible source. According to their difference in shape,decoration and making technique,the unearthed and handed down handled gold and silver cups from the Tang period can be divided into three groups :imported from Sogdiana,made by Sogdian masters in China,and created in the Tang period under the influence of Sogdian products. A study of unearthed epitaphs and relevant documents shows that during the Tang peri- od,numerous Sogdian emigrants lived in China, spreading over vast areas and constructing their settlements in different places. They were engaged mainly in commercial and handicraft activities. So the appearance of the Sogdian type of handled gold and silver cup in the Tang period was by no means accidental. The evolution of the handled gold and silver cup in China was concerned with Central Asian Sogdians' activities in China and their cultural exchange with the Chinese of the Tang period.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica