Abstract Apart from geographical,migrant,political and cultural factors,the emergence of the theory of Islamic threat has been driven by a kind of what can be called`after effects of the Cold War`.In fact,the`Islamic threat` is nothing but one of the numerous myths invented by the West after the end of the Cold War.It is however true that the continual upsurging of the Islamic movement has raised challenges toward the international community.The first one is the theoretical and ideological challenge,namely its opposition to all kinds of secular ideology and putting forward an Islamic model of development,etc;the second one is the institutional challenge:forces characterized by Islam have all demonstrated their discontent towards the existing order in internal,regional and international politics;the third one is the challenge in policy making:since democracy and election constitutes the important symbol of political progress,the question then is whether the international community,particularly the Western countries,would calmly accept a popularly elected Islamic government? These are stern challenges confronting policy makers of the world countries.)
West Asia and Africa