Abstract After forming his second cabinet on January 3 this year, the Hashimoto administration formally decided to readjust Japan's foreign policy toward Russia, shifting the principle of 'expanded equilibrium' to the new one of 'multi-level engagement'. The reasons are: (1)Judging from a pragmatic approach, Japan will not allow the Northern territories issue involving Japan and Russia to be aserious deterrence to the development of their bilateral relations. (2) It is in Japan's favor of becoming a permanent member of the UN security council this year.(3) Based on the fresh understanding of Russia and international development in the post-Cold War era, it takes account of Japan's security and the stability in the Northeast Asia Region. In short, the Japan's readjustment of its foreign policy toward Russia is conducive to the improvement of Japan-Russia relations and the reinforcement of Japan's international status and influence, thus finally contributing to the economic cooperation in the northeast Asia region.