

Janan's Position,Role and Future Trend in the New Situation
摘要 日本经济地位仍举足轻重,但已越过发展顶峰,在亚洲经济中的领头地位看来难以长期保持。政治地位总体上升,作用有所增强,但它一再否认侵略历史的言行,损害自己形象,难消各国的不信任,制约了日本政治作用的发挥。军事地位和作用发生变化,它谋求把军事活动范围扩大到亚太地区的做法,引起亚洲各国的警惕。日本今后仍可能继续走经济立国的道路,但正向政治立国道路转换,将来不排除走军事立国道路的可能。日美关系对日本走向起重要作用,中日关系将受日本走向的影响。日本如搞核武器就是迈向军事大国道路的信号。 Japan's econ-my,although still weighty and powerful,has passed its pinnacle and it seems that Japan will hardly be able to keeP forever its economic prominence in Asia.Japan' s political position ingeneral is on the rise with its political role somewhat strengthened.However Japan’repeated denial, both in words and actions,of its history of ggres sion has darkened its image and made it harder for Japan to dispel the misturst from various countries. Consequently,Japan is very much restrained to play a bigger politl- cal role. Some changes have taken place in Japan’s military position and role.Japan is seeking to expand its military actlvlties to the Asia-Pacific region,and such a tendency has aroused alert in various Asian countries. In future Japan may probably continue to take the path of bullding up the country by expanding its economic strength.However it is now shifting to the path of building up the country by expanding its political power and the posssibility that Japan will try to take the path of building up the country by expanding its military strength cannot be ruled out.The Japanese-US relations will play an important role in the directlon of the future development of Japan and the Sino-Japanese relations will be affected by the direction Japan heads for in future.If Japan seeks to gain nuclear weapons,it will be a signal that Japan is moving towards a military power.
作者 陆国忠
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第1期39-45,64,共8页 International Studies
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