To follow the first part of his article published in the last issue, the author presents his second principal arguement in this part: The transition from capitalism to socialism in the whole world will cover a historical period of considerable length, socialism will inevitably coexist with captalism during the long period. Thus, the five principles of peaceful coexistance that has been constantly pursued by us and proves to be feasible in handling the state relations with other countries with both identical and different social systems should be viewed as a basic international strategic principle and long-term grand strategy. The author elaborates on his auguement from two aspects. First, can capitalism survive? Secondly, socialism will experience a long historical period. The author devotes a large portion of his article to analysing the 'resilience' of captalism and raises four forms as its concrete expression, way of activity and source: 1. state interference; 2. international linkage; 3. reformism; 4. scientific-technological revolution. After examining the four forms, the author points out: While looking into stagnation, recession and corruption as the major trend of captalist development, we should also closely observe the 'resilience'. of capitalism and its survi al for a long historical period, our research in this area, however, is far from being enough. This article ends with the elaboration of state interference, the first form of capitalist resilience as the author indicates.