

The South African blacks' Anti-racial Struggle Surging Ahead.
摘要 两年来,南非黑人反对种族隔离和种族歧视的斗争空前高涨、激烈,他们把世世代代所抑积的忍辱和愤懑变成了仇恨的风暴,“象龙卷风一样冲击着种族隔离制度”,猛烈地震撼了南非当局的反动统治,揭开了黑人争取民族解放和民主权利斗争的新的一页。一这次斗争有什么新的特点呢? 第一个特点是时间久,规模大,远远超过1960年的沙佩维尔事件和1976年的索韦托事件。这次斗争的导火线是1983年9月南非当局炮制的“新宪法”,只允有色人和印度人有限的参政(实为二等公民),却顽固坚持把黑人的权利排除在宪法体制之外,激起了广大黑人的愤怒。1984年1月,联合民主阵线呼吁有色人和印度人抵制选举。 What are the situation. background, problem and prospects in the South African blacks' struggle against the racial segregation and discrimination in the recent two years? Here we are shown a general review on and analysis of this by the essay, which points out that, since 1983 the South African blacks' anti-racial fight has evolved rapidly and fiercely in a unprecedentedly high tide of wave, turning to a new page for the movement for national liberation and democratic right. With its duration, dimension and depth never seen as before, the struggle not only demonstrated the matchless strength of the black working class, but also opened up a new phase of the development of the labour unions and workers' strikes. And the black political parties and political organizations are playing important roles, and their influences are getting bigger and bigger. Besides, since last year the world has shown more sympathy and given more support extensively for the South African people's just struggle than before. Therefore, the South African white reactionary regime finds itself absolutely isolated at home and abroad, and is having a rough time.But according to this article, there are still some factors and obstacles affecting their fight, which have mainly resulted from the dissensions among various of black powers and organizations, and are needed to be removed and solved gradually in the practice of their coming combat.In short, the South African blacks' movement against apartheid will go ahead further. Yet, given the powerful state machine and economic strength in the hands of the white minority, it is still a prolonged and hard task for the black majority to topple down the racialist regime and get themselves liberated thoroughly.
作者 孟庆栽
出处 《现代国际关系》 1986年第3期38-42,62-63,共7页
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