我国几乎每个中小学生都能背诵李白的五言绝句《静夜思》:床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。 孙中山先生说此诗是妙手偶得,非常人可及。英人阿瑟·库珀(Arthur Cooper)
This article deals with the appreciation and translation of Li Bai's quatrain 'Quiet NightThoughts'. According to the author, in translating classic Chinese poetry we had betterretain the style in the rcndition, such as its terseness and brevity. The author quotes eightJEnglish renditions of the short poem by Li Bai, makes some brief tentative comnlents onthem, and he frankly expounds his views on the appreciation and translation of this poem andof classic Chinese poems in general.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research