文献报导过酸碱滴定,络合滴定和沉淀滴定的滴定曲线方程,一般可用这样一个通式来表达; pH或pM=f(φ) 或f(φ,pH(或pM)=0 式在φ为滴定分数。该式为连续函数,适用于滴定的整个过程。 至于氧化还原滴定曲线方程,按理也应为f(φ,E)=0,除了φ=0处外适用于滴定的整个过程,但至今尚无文献报导过这个方程。J.G.Dick曾报导过一种滴定曲线方程。
In this paper an equation is described for redox titration curve. The titration error, the equivalence potential may be calculated from this equation. We also discuss the coincidence of the point of inflection and the equivalence point. We found that for the symmertrical titration curve where the reactant and the titrant combine is a one-for-one ratio the point of inflection of the curve and the equivalence point will not coincide.