What is the current average proficiency of the native Cantonese speakers in speaking Putonghua? With what special traits do they speak Putonghua? Where is the bottle-neck that prevents them from further improving their pronunciation? Investigation into such aspects can provide an objective basis for teaching Putonghua and for designing proficiency tests.The purpose of this investigation is to ascertain the Putonghua proficiency (phonetic) of the grown-ups whose native dialect is Cantonese and whose stay outside Guangdong-dialect community is negligible in terms of its influence on their accent. The recipients are part of the staff members, workers, and students of Shenzhen University. The content of this report covers their present status of Putonghua phonetic proficiency, as well as an quantitative error-analysis on the levels of phone, rhythm, and intonation. It provides some reference material for conducting tests and teaching.
Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences