1[3]Kenneth Bourne & D.Camer on Watt,British Documents on Foreign Affairs:Reports and Papers form the Foreign Office Confidential Print,Part Ⅱ,Series E,Volume 29,University Publications of America,1994.
2[2]State Department.Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1925,Volume.1.Washington:1940.
3[4]Nicholas R.Clifford,Shanghai,1925; Urban Nationalism and the Defense of Foreign Privilege.Michigan:1979.
4[5]Harumi Goto-Shibata,Japan and British in SHanghai,1925-1931.MacMillan,1995.
5[6]Kenneth Bourne & D.Cameron Watt,British Documents on Foreign Affairs:Reports and Papers form the Foreign Office Confidential Print,Part Ⅱ,Series E,Volume 29 卷.Publications of America,1994.