Over the past 37 years srnce independence,Indiahas been making unremittingefforts to build an integrated,modernized national economy.To this end,the IndianGovernment has adopted such a development strategy as encompasses using state power toattach greater importance to building up the state-owned heavy industries and infrastruc-ture in the public sector,producing substitutes for some of the imports,absorbing fo-reign capital and advanced technologies from diversified sources,and energetically dissemi-nating new agricultural technologies.In consequence India has now established a fairlyintegrated economic setup of its own and laid a fair base in the development of industryand science and technology.In some fields it has even caught up with the world′s ad-vanced level.Moreover,agricultural output more or less keeps pace with population growthHowever,problems confronting India are not wantin:These includc,among other th-ngs,a widening gap between the rich and the poor,a high rate of unemployment,agric-ulture and infrastructure failing to keep up with the growing needs of developing theenetir national economy,poor economic returns in industries a limited market forindustrial products.
International Studies