
撒切尔夫人及其内外政策 被引量:2

Margaret Thatcher and her Policies.
摘要 1975年2月,英国保守党史无前例地推出一名妇女担任党的领袖,她就是玛格丽特·撒切尔。1974年4月,保守党在大选中获胜,撒切尔夫人成了英国历史上第一个女首相。1983年6月,保守党在大选中再奏凯歌,撒切尔夫人得以蝉联首相执政迄今,成为自邱吉尔以来执政最久、权力最大的人物。她还宣称准备继续竞选第三任首相。这位举世瞩目的人物为什么能够连续执政?其内外政策主张又是如何?本文拟结合其党派背景及国内外形势予以简介与剖析。 Margaret Thatcher,the first woman primeminister in the British history,is a statesman of vision and sagacity.Her rise froman ordinary citizen to prominence in British politics bespeaks her unusual talent as well as changed political climate in Britain.The British voters demanded reforms to showtheir resentment against the three-year wage-freeze and deteriorating living standardsunder the rule of the fiction-ridden Labour Party whose unrealistic platform failed towin the hearts of the electorate,while the economic policies of Prime Minister Thatcherhave gained the support of the capitalists and a considerable portion of the middleclass.The seizure of the Malvinas Islands by force also raised her prestige among someBritish voters.In her five-year tenure,Prime Minister Thatcher's strict monetary policy has yieldedsome positive results:the rate of inflation has dwindled down to five per cent:theunfavourable international balance of payments has been reversed,and the British GrossNational Product has steadily risen.High un(?)mployment,however still remains a knottyproblem.In foreign affairs,Prime Minister Thatcher adopted the policy of securing asolid foothold in Western Europe,allying with Washington.guarding against Moscow,and maintaining the British Commonwealth ties.Since her second tenure in office.shehas made some policy readjustments by showing greater interest in holding dialoguewith the Soviet Union and East European countries.At present,Prime Minister Thatcher is confronted with some domestic troubles,suchas the strikes of the coal miners,the revolt of dissidents among the party ranks and soon.However,since there is yet no one inside the Conservatives liable to replace heras the party chief at this moment with steady economic recovery and overwhelmingConservative majority in the Parliament.it seems that Prime Minister Thatcher willprobably hold the reins of government tightly in her hands for a considerable period oftime.
作者 方中霞
出处 《现代国际关系》 1985年第1期30-36,64-65,共9页
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