利用改进后的 Mincer 收入模型比较返乡创业农民工返乡后和务工期间的人力资本收益率.分析各种形式的人力资本对农民工收入增长的影响。在考察返乡创业农民工常规形式的人力资本时,认为受教育年限、累计务工年限、职业类别与行业因素等对农民工返乡后收入的影响要高于对其务工期间收入的影响。在考察返乡创业农民工特殊形式的人力资本时,农民工通过务工动态积累的,包括是否学到技术,去过的省市总数等形式的人力资本,返乡后能够得到相应的报偿,而其在城市务工期间,这些形式的人力资本不能得到报偿,且难以被观测到。
This article tries to estimate the influence of the labor capital upon the income growth to compare the rates of return from human capital in the rural and developed cities,Thus this article is able to draw useful conclusion safely and presents political advice,moreover,This article bases on the data of a investigation on 3026 returned peasants,which was carried out in May 2007,and uses an modified Mincer income model to test the rates of return from labor capital.Estimates confirm the hypothesis,which states that because of the systematic obstacle indevel- oped cities where the value of the migrants' human capital was underestimated thus leaded to lower income,while they return to undeveloped areas they obtain a income growth.
Chongqing Social Sciences