自古至今 ,草一直点缀着美丽的大地 ,也点缀着诗国的天空。当诗人的双眼注视着天地间平凡的青草 ,再经心灵的沉淀 ,青草便叠映着诗人的各种情感和体验构成奇妙的心灵幻象 ,随着视点和角度的转换和调整 ,诗人之情思、感悟和启迪也不断衍生。这样 ,普通的青草便折射出玄妙莫测氤氲万状的灵光 ,表现出玲珑剔透灵动飘逸的神韵 ,历代骚人墨客留下了许多吟咏青草的篇章 ,形成了诗歌百花园中青草意象独特的文化意蕴 :草 ,象征着生命境遇 ;诉说着历史兴亡 ;
Since the ancient time, the green grass adorns the poems as well as the land. When the poets fix their eyes upon the common green grass and often they evaluate it in their poems, the green grass reflects the felling experience and the imagination of the poets. With the change of vision and angle, the thought and feeling of the poets derive. In this way, the green grass is able to reflect a wonderful and imaginable power so the poets in the preciou dynasties write a lot of poems about the green grass. Thus a special Cultural Meaning of green grass is formed in the Chinese poems. The green grass symbolizes the situation of life, tells the rise and fall of the dynasties and witnesses births and deaths.
Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
Chinese ancient poems
Green grass
Cultural meaning