在中国现代企业制度创建中 ,高度集权的单一劳动产权制度和照搬西方股份制的单一资本联合体 ,均不可能成为社会主义与市场经济结合的基石 ;只有公有为主的联合产权制度 ,才能成为社会主义市场经济的微观基础。这种联合产权制度的特征及其具体实现形式表现在四个方面。
Neither the high-centralized system of labor-combined property rights nor the system of capital-combined property rights imitated from the west can be the cornerstone of SME in the course of the creation of the china-style modern enterprise system . Only SCPR based primarily on public ownership can be the micro-base of SME. The characters of SCPR and the from of its concrete accomplishment are demonstrated in four aspects.
Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)