本文从最近出土的尹湾汉简材料中,找出了西汉 末年东海郡大面积种植冬,小麦的确切证据,并根据文献资料考证 了华北平原各地冬小麦已基本普及,而且在西汉中期以后推广到 关中平原,从农书所记冬小麦种植技术的进步也可以证明两汉时 代我国北方冬小麦已得到普及推广。
Some archeological material discovered recently in Yin Wan and the historical documents show a general cultivation of winter wheat in the norther China and the crop spread to the Guan Zhong Plain in the middle stage of the Han dynasty. The technical development of winter wheat cultivation recorded in certain agricultural books has also demonstrated the extent of spread of the crop at the time.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography