本文以《新开通济渠记》碑文为主要线索,结合史 籍志乘,从通济渠开凿的原因、时间、长度、水量、质量、督役人、管 理状况、流经脉络和后世修俊、变迁及湮废等诸方面,条分缕析, 纲举目张,使对通济渠的探索,略趋周详,其对研究历史上西安地 区的水道变迁以及西安水利资源问题,当有较为重要的参考价 值。
On the basis of epigraph of 'New Excavation Record Of Tbngjl Channel and some historical documents, the paper discusses in detail the reason and time of construction, length of the channel, rate of flow, quality of water, laborer in the excavation, system of management and the maintenance in following years.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography