

The Past, Present and Prospects of Asian Scitech TranslationAsian Scitech Translation Viewed from a Chinese
摘要 本文作者到过亚洲一些国家和地区,同亚洲的一些科学家和翻译家有过许多个人接触和良好的联系,切身感受到互译亚洲国家和地区先进科技文化的重要性和必要性。本文以一个中国人的眼光来看待亚洲科技翻译时,认为:一、过去亚洲各国的科技翻译都有悠久的传统;二、今天亚洲各国的科技翻译都有程度不同而令人瞩目的成就;三、未来亚洲各国的科技翻译必将有一个更辉煌的发展。以上三个观点,作者通过实例分析和论证后,又明确提出了促进亚洲科技翻译发展具体设想,其中包括尽快建立亚洲国家和地区的翻译组织、尽快建立亚洲开发翻译基金、联合出版亚洲翻译刊物、联合编译和出版多语种词典和工具书等一系列热情呼吁和可行的建议。 The autor has been to some Asian countries and regions. Having met with many Asian scientists and interpreters and having very good communications with them, he has firsthand knowledge of the importance and necessity of the translation of advanced science and technology literature in Asia.Looking upon Asian science and technology translation through the eyes of a Chinese, the article holds that: 1There is a good tradition in science and technology translation in all Asian countries. 2Today,every Asian country has made outstanding achievements in science and technology translation,though to varying extends. 3There will be a much brighter future for science and technology translation in all Asian countries in the future. After analyzing and proving the above three points through living examples,the author raises clear and detailed proposals for the further development of Asian science and technology translation, which are both of full eagerness and feasibility. They include: to establish translation organizations for Asian countries and regions as soon as possible; to establish a translation development funds in Asia in the near future; to jointly put out publications of translation in Asia; and to jointly translate and publish dictionaries and reference books in multilanguages.
作者 李亚舒
机构地区 中国科学院
出处 《中国科技翻译》 1998年第4期32-35,共4页 Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal
关键词 亚洲 科技翻译 成就 展望 Asia Scitech translation Achievement Prospect
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