Now Taiwan Region is at accelerating growth period industrialization.Owing to the powerful force of economic growth on urbanozation and its orreversibility,it will surely exert profound effects on thewhole region’s economy. In Taiwan Region,Urban Modern Development is now ushering a new stage of planned construction and planned management .In 1996,of the 12 designated cities ,7 have adopted general plavving of their own ,and of the 23county coties and towns.85%have devised urban planning .Even so,in the course of urban construction and devdlopment,crucial problems as followings need to be solved.
Now Taiwan Region is at accelerating growth period industrialization.Owing to the powerful force of economic growth on urbanozation and its orreversibility,it will surely exert profound effects on thewhole region's economy. In Taiwan Region,Urban Modern Development is now ushering a new stage of planned construction and planned management .In 1996,of the 12 designated cities ,7 have adopted general plavving of their own ,and of the 23county coties and towns.85%have devised urban planning .Even so,in the course of urban construction and devdlopment,crucial problems as followings need to be solved.
Modern Urban Research