The Chengzi site, 15 kilometers south of Zhueheng county, Shandong province, belongs to the Chengzi brigade of the Huanghua commune. Located at a higher ground in the western part of Chengzi village, it is girded by a stream on the northern, western and southern sides, with Mount Chang rising 1.5 kilometers away in the northwest. The torrents rushed down from the hill during rainy seasons and, in the process of time, edged the area with broken cliffs 3-5 meters high. The land there is fertile.The site measures 200 meters long from east to west and 100 meters wide from north to south. The cultural deposits, 1-3 meters thick, can be divided into three layers. The lower and middle layers, designated as the first and second stages of the Chengzi culture, correspond respectively to the Dawenkou culture and the Longshan culture. Relics from the upper layer belong to the Shang and Zhou periods.Two seasons of excavation were conducted at the site between October 1976 and July 1977. In an area of 1,300 square meters were discovered 99 tombs, three house foundations, 16 storage pits and some 700 objects of pottery, stone, bone and clam shells, all dating from the late stage of primitive society. Of the 12 tombs of the first stage culture, five are joint burial ones, each containing a number of people superimposed one upon another without distinction of age or sex. Every skeleton has its own coffin and funerary articles. This burial custom was the first to be found in China.The 87 tombs belonging to the second stage culture can be divided into the early, middle and late periods. The distribution of the tombs, the size of grave pits, the burial with or without a coffin and the number of funerary accessories signify the polarization of the rich and the poor. Furthermore, the poor, small and bigger tombs are found in separate zones. This provides fresh data for the study of the disintegration of clan society and the seeds of class and state.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica