脑功能轻微失调(Minimal Brain Dysfunction,简称MBD)是儿童中最常见的一种心理功能障碍。其特征是自我控制能力不足,主要表现为注意涣散、活动过多和冲动任性。据国外调查,在学令儿童中,“脑功能轻微失调”者占5~20%。所以世界各国对此都很重视,从各方面加以研究。看来,MBD已成为有关小儿科、神经科、精神科、心理学和教育学的一个重要课题,是小儿神经科和精神科的一项新进展。回顾国内,迄今尚未见到有关MBD的调查报告,现将上海市南市区某小学MBD普查和治疗的结果报导如下。
Minimal brain dysfunction is one of the most commen psychological disorders during childhood. This syndrome is characterized as deficit of self-control, decreased attention span, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It has been found that the syndrome is present in 13.43% of the pupils in a certain elementary school, while 3.43% of the total number have been found severe.