蟯蟲是一種常見的腸寄生蟲,尤以兒童感染爲多,因為蟯蟲感染多半並不引起較嚴重的後果,所以常爲人所忽視。早在1953年,吳氏曾發現一女性患者因蟯虫移行而致慢性輸卵管炎,此後對此病的各方面研究做的很少。關於蟯蟲感染情况,在解放前僅秦、張二氏在成都會應用睞Ъ埵梅z查了部分學童。解放後,由於各地醫務工作者響應了人民政府的正確衛生方針和政策,以及對兒童們健康的關懷,蟯蟲病曾在天津、鎮江、西安及長沙等地區做過調查,共感染率爲43.8%,22.76%,49.51%,及55.1%由此可見我國兒童蟯蟲感染的普遍性。作者等不了瞭解青島市兒童蟯虫感染情况,應用纖維素膠帶(Transparent adhesive cellulose tape)進行肛門拭法檢查了部分兒童潓⒔Y果報告於後,以供同道參考。
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the prevalence of Enterobius vermicu- larls in children of an urban area in Tsingtao. A slight modification (without the use of to- luene) of Beaver's transparent adhesive cellulose tape swab was used for the detection of ova throughout the survey. The results of a single swab examination from 823 children, age 1 to 15, gave the pinworm incidence of 38. 03%. A higher incidence of 46. 18% was obtained from the 252 children in the 8--15 age group while 551 children in the 1--7 age group showed an incidence of 34. 22%. This difference may be explained by more direct contacts among the primary school child-- ren since transmission occurred mainly in the institional groups, schools, congested quarters, and in larger families with infected persons. No variation was found in the sex incidence. The advantages of the transparent adhesive cellulose tape swab are: (1) the tape swab te- chnic is convenient to use, (2) the pinworm eggs were well preserved and readily identifiable in the tape samples for over two months thus avoiding the necessity of immediate micros- copic examination, and (3) a larger number of eggs were picked up by the tape, hence more efficient in providing positive diagnosis.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)