
论庙底沟仰韶文化的分期 被引量:25

摘要 一、问题的提出河南三门峡市庙底沟遗址的发掘及共报告的出版,关涉到我国新石器时代考古学方面的许多问题。在仰韶文化方面,不汉大大地丰富了文化内涵,增加了人们的认识,廓清了考古学界前此关于它的性质和特征等方面的许多疑团,并且第一次提出了划分类型的问题。庙底沟类型一名,也就是从这个时候起称谓起来的。因此,它在仰韶文化研究的历史上,是一次重要的工作。 The richness of the Yangshao remains at Miaotikou, Sanmen Gorge, Honan Province, with its well defined stratification and frequently disturbed ash pits, and the great variety of the artifacts unearthed both suggest that the Yangshao remains here may be further divided chronologically. An examination of all the disturbed ash pits shows that they may be grouped nto 13 sets. In Sets No. 1 and No. 6, the pottery bowls found in the later part of the deposits not only differ from those found in the earlier part in regard to shape and decoration but also tend to make similar changes. In Set No. 1, the artifacts unearthed from Ash Pits H338, H346 and H322 vary greatly from one another, indicating that it was probably due to chronological difference. Using these three ash pits as a criterion, a considerable number of ash pits can be classified. According to their shapes the pottery has been classified into eight main groups: the bowl(A、B), painted kuan-vase, weng-jar, small-mouthed vase (A、B),fu-cauldron, sandy kuan-vase, vessel stand and vessel cover. Each of these main groups is further divided into several sub-groups. On the basis of direct or indirect association, these vessels can also be divided into three distinctive sections: A, B and C(see Table II and Diagram I). The author has also classified the geometric designs found on the painted pottery into eleven groups of component motifs, with each further divided into several sub-groups. On the basis of direct or indirect associations these motifs canalso be divided into three distinctive categories: A, B and C(see Table III and Diagram II). It is noteworthy that the motifs of Category A are only found on the vessels of Section A while both the motifs of Category A and the vessels of Section A were only found in the ash pits of Group A. Likewise the motifs of Categories B and C are only found on the vessels of Sections B and C which in turn were only found in the ash pits of Group B and C. No exception to these rules has yet been found and the periodization of the Yangshao remains at Miaotikou is based on these findings. In view of the fact that the remains of Group A are not only rather poor but also somewhat similar to those of Groups B (which on the other hand differ greatly from those of Group C), the author has assigned both of them to what he calls Yangshao I of Miaotikou. The remains of Group of C is assigned to Yangshao II of Miaotikou. Yangshao I of Miaotikou differs from Yangshao II of the same site in many aspects, such as the details in vessel shape or in the composition of the painted designs, and the choice of component motifs. The periodization of the Yangshao remains at Miaotikou is made possible by these differences, although the latter often express themselves in some minor aspects. On the other hand, the remsins of Yangshao I and Yangshao II are largely identical or similar to each other in such major aspects as the manufacture, shape, paste and decoration of pottery. Moreover, the two also differ very little from each other in regard to implements of production and ornaments. All this shows that although the Yangshao remains at Miaotikou can be divided into two stages, they are closely related to each other chronologically. Hence, the names Yangshao I and Yangshao II.
作者 严文明
出处 《考古学报》 1965年第2期49-78,184-187,共34页 Acta Archaeologica Sinica
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