
兰州附近的史前遗存 被引量:3

摘要 一发现和调查的经过一九四四,四五年,良才服务于兰州中国银行,鼐亦以参加前中央研究院西北科学考察团,曾于兰州少作勾留。二人曾于兰州附近,从事于史前遗存的调查。最初是不约而同的分别工作,后来相识后有几次是结伴共同工作的。现在先将调查的经过,略述于后:(插图一,遗址分布图)(1)高坪兰州黄河北岸一带荒山,当时正在进行用水平沟种树法推行荒山造林。主要区域为高坪。开沟工作的历程中,闻在该山曾有陶器出土。一九四四年三月二十九日。 During their stay at Lanchow,Kansu,in 1944-45 the authors of the present note had opportunities for making archaeological observations in the vicinity of the city.Since the recognized sites afford new indications of the geographical distributions of the prehistorical cultures in China,it seems interesting to report on them. We have noted seven sites as shown on the sketch-map (Fig.1). The Localities 1-3 were first discovered by one of the authors,Wu,and examiued briefly by us together.The Locality 1 is situated ou the top of the Kao P'ing on the north bank of the Yellow River.It is probably a gravefield which was disturbed during recent digging of trenches for forestation.From this site there are one complete jug with applied de- coration,and several potsherds,both painted and plain,from which three pots have been reconstructed,namely,a plain bowl,a pot with small- mouth,and a painted jug.(Fig.2,and P1.Ⅲ).They are of the Ma-chang Period. Locality 2 is stuated in the Chung Shan Lin at the south of the city.Only a few potsherds were found on a slightly raised ground there. Most of them are fine grained ware,pale yellow in colour,impressed with basket or cross-patterns.Some are coarse ware with string-impressions. Both kinds of them have been found at sites of the Chi Chia Culture. There are also two pieces of painted Yangshao Ware,and two pieces of White Ware (Pl.Ⅲ,2.1-3,2.6-7). The Locality 3 is called T'ai p'ing Kou,on a Malan terrace south of the Yellow giver (Pl.Ⅰ).The finds centered on three areas (A,B,C.) with the black earth characteristic of dwelling-sited.The specimens were collected on the surface and on the exposed sections (Figs.3-4).Both sites A and B produced potsherds of painted ware of the 'Kansu Yang- shao' type (Figs.5-6,Pls.Ⅳb,Va),cud a collection of stone implements, all roughly chipped only,except a small polished stone adze,A60 (Figs. 7-8,Pl.Ⅳa).These chipped stone implements,especially the choppers (66-7,B67),are very similar to the Palaeolithic tools both in form and in technique,but here were found in the undisturbed layers with the Neolithic potsherds.There are also bone awls or points (Pl.Ⅳa), fragment of clay-ring,and coarse ware with string-impressions.The specimens from the site G are mostly fine ware with basket-impressions of the Chi Chic type.There are also a few pieces of painted ware found on the surface,and one piece of plain ware with a knot-shaped handle (Pl.Ⅴa). The Locality 4,already reported by Prof.Ho Lo-fu,is in the campus of the National N.W.Normal College at Shih Li Tien.In the course of a day's trip (1944 April),about a dozen of small pieces of potsherds were collected,mostly of the fine painted ware of the Machaug type, and two pieces of coarse ware,one decorated with string-impressions,the other applied wavy band (Pl.Va,4.1,4.6,4.10-11). Both Localities 5 and 6,also already reported by Prof.Ho,are situated along the valley of the Sun-Lo Creek,and examined briefly by N.Shiah.The Locality 5 comprises four sites,all of them are situated near the village called Hsi Kuo Yuan.The main site is on the Tu Men Hou Shan,where,a lot of potsherds were found on the surface,mostly decorated with the so-called 'death patterns',probably derived from some disturbed tombs of the Panshan-Machang period (Pl.Ⅴb,,5.2,5.9, 5.11-12).Another site is situated on the west side of the Lanchow- Lint'ao Highway.It is a re-deposited cultural Layer,containing potsherds of the Painted Ware of the Machiayao type (Pl.Ⅴb,5.13),and fine grey cord-ware of the 'Han' type.Two other sites produced surface finds only,one with several potsherds of the Chi Chia type (Pl.Ⅴb,5. 21-23) and one piece of stone knife (Fig.9,Pl.Ⅴb,5.24),and the other with several potsherds of the Painted Ware of the Machiayao type (Pl. Ⅴb,5.28).two fragments of clay-rings (Pl.Ⅴb,5.31-32) and two frag- ments of stone axes (Pl.Ⅴb,5.33). The Locality 6 is on a Malan Terrace called Tsao Chia Tsui,about one kilometer south of the Hsi Kuo Yuan village (Pl.Ⅱa).The cultural layer consists of a thick black earth mixed with potsherds,charcoal,and stone implements.The collection from this deposit contains 43 fragments of painted ware,5 of coarse ware with striug-impressions,2 of fine grey ware,1 fragment of clay-ring,and 4 stone implements.The stone im- plements are an axe,a chisel,and two knives (Pl.Ⅵa,Fig.9,6.53). It is a dwelling-site of the Machiayao ('Kansu Yangshao') period. The Locality 7 was discovered and examined by N.Shiah.The site is called Tsing Kang Ch'a,also on a Malan terrace,separated from the Locality 6 by a deep ravine (Pl.Ⅱb).All the finds were gathered on the surface of the soil.They consist of potsherds of the Painted Ware of the Machang type,some with brown slip,coarse ware decorated either with applied band or string-impressions,a rim of white ware,and a stone axe (Fig.10,Pl.Ⅵb).It is probably a disturbed gravefield of the Machang Period. (Summarized and translated by N.Shiah)
作者 夏鼐 吴良才
出处 《考古学报》 1951年第0期63-100,共38页 Acta Archaeologica Sinica
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