

Research of the Influence of Swimming Training on Blood Urea and Serum Amino Acid
摘要 通过测定10名长泳运动员以80%强度训练2小时后的血尿素氮和血清氨基酸水平,发现长时间训练使组织蛋白净降解和氨基酸的利用活动加强;有关支链氨基酸—丙氨酸循环活动特征不明显,但显示色氨酸作为合丙氨酸氮源的参与糖异生代谢的可能性;与有氧过程中关键酶生成量有关的丝氨酸和甘氨酸的利用明显加强。上述结果提示,蛋白质代谢对专项游泳训练产生适应性反应。 Through testing the serum AA of 10 long-distance swimmers, in 80% intensity for two hours,the results showed that the actions of tissue protein degradation and AA usage were strengthened; the action charicteristic conce-rning BCAA - Ala - glucose cycle was not obvious, but the Try may be join the cycle, the usage of Ser and Gly was significantly strengthened, which was concerned in key enzymes production in the course of aerobic metabolism. The results suggested that protein metabolism had adaptable change in swimming training.
作者 席翼 杨谦
出处 《山东体育学院学报》 1997年第2期31-33,63,共4页 Journal of Shandong Sport University
关键词 游泳训练 血清氨基酸 丙氨酸—葡萄糖循环 Swimming training,serum amino acid,Ala-glucose cycle
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