
OPT职业体验测验的设计、验证与常模 被引量:7

Development of the OPT Occupational Experience Test: Validation and Its Norm
摘要 华西医科大学劳动卫生与职业病学教研室研制的系统化职业心理测验 (occupational psychological test)的设计综合考虑了中国国情 ,参照了西方现代心理测验学的设计思想与评估方法。其中职业体验 (occupationalexperiences)测验部分的框架包括二个维度 ,旨在考察职业群体和个体的职业满意度以及工作生活质量 ,并按正态分布的原则 ,每一个维度以均数加减标准差划分为五种型别 (极高型、偏高型、中间型、偏低型、极低型 )。测验的复测信度和内部一致性较好。常模亚型分为总体、性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、性别年龄、性别文化程度和性别职业等八种。常模结果提示职业体验有性别、文化程度、职业差异。 The switch of Medical Model form the trditional “Biological Model” to “Bio Psycho Social model” has highlighted the importence of psychological factors in health. To evaluate the mental wellness of workers, a lot of psychological tests were developed. In our country, this kind of research was restored in the 1980's. As the first step, some of the tests popular in the western countris were introduced into China. But the difference of cultural backgrounds and economic situations soon suggested some modifications to those tests, or even development of a new Chinese occupational test. With this kind of effort, the study has developed an OPT experience test. The test is composed of two kinds of psychological measurements, the projective test and questionaire evaluation. In the projective test, there are some Chinese paintings and engravings with eight words discriptions, In the questionaire, there are 100 items. Both the word disciptions in the projective test and the phrasing of items in questionaire were carefully selected from some Chinese classical and comtemporary literatures and dictionaries. There are two dimensions in the test, the occupational satisfaction ( the OS dimension) and the work life quality ( the WLQ Dimension). A sample of 2,442 people covering very wide ranges of age, education, and occupations were tested with the OPT experience test. The result indicated that 1) both the test retset relibility and split helf relibility are acceptable (r>0.64). 2) Female's scores on both dimensions were significantly higher than male's ( p<0.01). Based on these data, a norm was tentatively developed.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 1997年第1期24-28,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 心理测验 职业体验 常模 pychological test occupational esperience norm
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