Though started in 1956, no significant achievements were gained by China in the international Math Olympic (IMO) until 1985. The main results showed: 90%Olympains came from the key schools of urban; 50% have studied in special classes offered for gifted students;95% were greatly influenced by their parents and teachers. 100% of the parents expected their children to enter key universities in the future. 96% of the parents examined homework and test papers when their children studied in primary schools, but one - third of parents never did any coaching. 92%of the parents bought books as gifts for their children to stimulate and encourage them. to hunt for more books related to their studies. Olympains and their parents all had the same view that participating in the IMO not only led them to learning more but also provided them with opportunities to find and develop their talent in math.They felt they would not have been so successful if they never had any training for the IMO before. The reasons of the progress of the Chinese in the IMO are discussed.
Chinese Journal of Special Education