APPLIED LINGUISTICS No.4 1995 Main ArtciesAPPLIEDLINGUISTICSNo.41995MainArtcies¥XiaoGuozhengTrendsof(appliedlinguisticsintheC...
A successful practice of Chinese language normalization-to read again <Talks on Grammar and Rhetoric> by Zhu Jingsong Successful rate of criticism to erroneous examples of usage arrived to 89% in the book (Talks on Grammar and Rhetoric>, This book provided the suggestions to new usage and new structure, it also provided a series of suggestions to several expression forms.The majority of these suggestions is successful, only a small number of suggestions can not be accepted. The linguists must become backbone forces of language normalization.Investigation on superficialization tendency of word meaning in neologism by Shen Mengying There is a phenomenon in the neologism-supercifialization of word meaning in neologism.In this article, the author investigates this tendency of supercifialization in new words (specially new words which was composed by two or more coordinative constituents), in the procedure of sinolization of loanwords, in the differenciation of new four-charcacters constructions from traditional ordinary idioms, in the evolution and change of original word meanings.The author also gives the analysis to the factors influencing this superficialization.
Applied Linguistics