
中西近现代体育发展过程的比较研究 被引量:4

A Comparative Research on the Developing Process of Chinese Sports and Western Sports in Mordern times as well as in the Present Age
摘要 世界上真正的近代竞技体育是在西方新兴资产阶级的历史脚步声中,在文艺复兴、宗教改革与启蒙运动所代表的人类理性精神向封建和教会势力一次次猛攻中产生和发展的,是竞技体育冲过黑暗时期的质的飞跃。所以,近代西方竞技体育是冲破思想障碍而形成的,是从精神解放上升到物质形态,从思想上的向往,发展到物质利益实践的一个过程。中国当代竞技体育始终与民族的命运、民族的解放和国家振兴保持着天然的血肉般的关系,中国竞技体育发展的动力来自民族的自强意识。因此争取民族独立,振兴民族经济、民族文化和民族意识的全面现代化,实现民族的崛起与腾飞,是本世纪民族的中心任务,它构成了时代的基本内容,社会历史的中心,民族意识的中心,也规定了中国竞技体育的基本性质和走向。显而易见,西方竞技体育的发展进程是由于自身内部的矛盾运动而引起的,它更具有自然发展状态下的和谐性,因而我们认为它是一种顺向性的发展过程。而中国竞技体育的发展进程,其原因并不仅仅在于自身内部的矛盾运动,即使这种内部的矛盾运动,也是由于西方文化和竞技体育的撞击而大大强化了的。因而可将中国近现代竞技体育的发展称为逆向性发展过程。 The mordern competitive sports of the world was born and developed under the movement of the Renaissance,the reform of religion and the movement of the En-lightenment.It showed the victory of the strugglets between the rational tspirits of human being and the traditional force of feudal society. It was the big step for the mordern com-petitive sports of the world because it had broken the mental obstacle of human being and had liberated from the body to the spirits. This is the batsic developing process of western sports in mordern times as well as in the present age, We called it a normal de-veloping process。 The developing process of mordern competitive sports in China have gone just in the opposite direction。 Our mordern competitive sports was introduced by the aggretssion of western countries not only in its military,but also in its culture and ed-ucation as well as in its sports。We had learned in the begining from the west not the mofdern spirits of the sports,not the conception of mordern sport value,but the sport skill, the sport style as well as the games regulation. So we called the develpoing process of mordern competitive sports in China a abnormal or opposite direction process.
作者 凌平 卢芬
机构地区 杭州大学体育系
出处 《山东体育学院学报》 1995年第3期6-10,共5页 Journal of Shandong Sport University
关键词 中西近现代体育 逻辑起点 发展动力 逆向性发展过程 Chinese and western sports in mordern time as well as in the present age,the logic begining, the developing forces,the oppesite direction process
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