我 国高 等教 育 的高 速扩 张 ,引发 高 等学 校教 学 条件 的不 足 与保 障 体系 建 设 力 度不 够 等 现 实危 机 ,以至 于 引 起人 们对 高 等教 育质 量 滑坡 的严 重 担忧 。针对 此 ,笔 者认 为应 急 需建 立规 范 和制 度,避免 盲目 扩 招;提出 大力 加 强对 高等 学校 本 科教 学工 作 水平 的评 估 ,以确 保 我国 高等 教 育在 规模 、质 量、结构 、效 益诸 方 面健 康、协调 发 展。
With the rapid expansion of higher education in China, such crises as a lack of teaching facilities in higher education institutions and a weak presence of security system have been brought into reality, and this crisis causes people's serious concerns with the potential landslide of higher education quality. Therefore this paper believes that regulations and systems should be urgently established, a blind expansion of enrolment should be avoided. This paper also proposes that an evaluation of the teaching level for undergraduates in higher education institutions should be reinforced, so as to ensure a healthy and coordinative development of scale, quality, structure and benefits in China's higher education.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
Teaching facilities
Security system
Teaching evaluation.