
决策策略与个性特征关系的模拟实验 被引量:1

Simulated Experiments on the Relationship between Strategies of Decision Making and Traits
摘要 本研究以实验室模拟实验和现场模拟实验为手段,以大学本科生和工厂管理人员为被试,分两部分进行。第一部分,以企业新产品开发为决策内容,考察这类决策情景的不确定性和决策策略的关系。结果发现,决策策略随不确定状态而改变;决策情景的不确定程度和决策策略没有严格的一一对应关系;在四类不确定决策情景下,都有被试采用混合型策略,从而验证了先前研究的结果。第二部分,我们考察了决策策略与个性特征的关系。结果发现,偏离决策策略的规定性理论所预测的被试同没有偏离的被试在CPI量表的三种个性特征上,即成熟度、成就动机与管理潜能,有显著性差异;对实验室实验被试和现场实验被试而言,均发现管理潜能这一个性特征一致性的显著影响。文章最后提出了有待进一步探索的课题。 This study was conducted in two parts which involved a sample of undergraduates and managers of an enterprise by means of simulated experiment in laboratory and field simu-lated experiment. In the first part, the relationship between uncertainty and strategies of de-cision making was studied in terms of the decision making of new products development in enterprises. The findings are: strategies varies according to different states of uncertainty; there is no one-to-one correspondence between uncertainty and strategies; mixed strate-gies are adopted by subjects under certain situations of uncertainty, which verified the find-ings of previous research. In the second part, the relationship between strategies and traits of personality was explored. The findings are: there are significant differences between sub-jects who deviate from the predication of prescriptive view and subjects who do not in three traits of personality in CPI, i. e., maturity, achievement motivation and potential capacities of management. For subjects both in experiment of laboratory and in experiment of field, significant and consistent effect of 'potential capacities of management' on the choice of strategies is all shown. Some new topics for further research were put forward in this paper finally.
作者 郑全全
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 1994年第2期15-24,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 决策策略 个性特征 模拟实验 stategy of decision-making, trait, simulated experiment
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