1983年10月建成开业的金陵饭店,是80年代初建成并投入运转的6家大型现代化旅游饭店之一,且是其中唯一由中国人自己管理的国有企业。它在全国同行中别具风格、令人瞩目。 在党的改革开放方针指引下,经过全体员工10年的艰苦创业,金陵已创造了一套既有中国特色、又符合国际一流水准的金陵管理体系,结晶成60万字的《金陵饭店工作手册》,公开出版问世。与此同时,饭店由“四星”晋升为“五星”。这表明:中国人完全有能力自己管理好大型现代化酒店。现在,它已具备输出管理模式和人才的能力:10年来。
Jinling Hotel is a five-star hotel in Nanjing. This year happens to be the tenth anniversary of its establishment. How has this hotel, managed by the Chinese themselves, reached an international first-rate level management? This article serves as a summary of this hotel's experiences. To make a long story short, this hotel, first of all, borrowed this mode of management from abroad in all its facets and then constantly monitored the system and learned from other countries; in the course of developing its managemnt system the hotel continuously improved and enriched the system according to Chinese conditions so as to create a kind of management system with Chinese characteristics.
Tourism Tribune