
非洲民主问题再认识 被引量:1

摘要 非洲的民主化浪潮经过这三年的腾挪跌宕、蜿蜒曲折,基本上可以说“洪峰已经过去,形势走向平静”。以1992年的情况而言,非洲大陆上似乎既无大起,亦无大落,处于一种奇特的“胶着”状态。可能有人不同意,说。 A review of the democratization process in Africa today and the political situation of 1992 therein shows that the continent is entering a new stage-'the stage of post multiparty system'-with the following hallmarks: (1) The con- version of party system has been basically completed; (2) Democratic election has taken the place of 'national conference' and come the central content of African democratization process;(3) The situation of blasting in a hubbub is going to be replaced by that of intense and grim rivalries; (4) New accusations are being brought against new regimes; (5) Older ruling parties, after experienc- ing many vicissitudes of life, are now facing a good fortune that comes after a long spell of bad luck; (6) There is a change in the attitudes and stra- tegies of western powers towards African democratization process, with the conflict between the U. S. and France broadening constantly; (7) Following the spring tide of political change, there must emerge a spring tide of economic construction. In a word, the relationship of friendly co-operation between China and Africa is going to show good prospects in 'the stage of post-multi- party system'.
作者 李宝源
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第1期53-56,37-80,共6页 West Asia and Africa
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  • 1布特罗斯·布特罗斯-加利.《联合国与民主化》,载刘军宁主编.《民主与民主化》,商务印书馆,1999年版,第305页.
  • 2Deborah Pellow and Naomi Chazan, Ghana Coping with Uncertainty, Boulder, Colorado, Gower, London: Westview Press, 1986, p. 89.
  • 3See Naomi Chazan, Between Liberalism and Statism: African Political Cultures and Democracy, in Larry Diamond, ed. , Political Culture and Democracy in Developing Countries, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1994, pp. 59 -98.
  • 4See Yakubu Saaka, "Recurrent Themes in Ghanaian Politics - Kwame Nkrumah' s Legacy", Journal of Black Studies, March 1994, Vol. 24, No. 3 pp. 263 - 280.
  • 5See Deborah Pellow and Naomi Chazan, op. cit..
  • 6See Maxwell Owusu, Tradition and Transformation : Democracy and the Politics of Popular Power in Ghana, Journal of Modern African Studies, June 1996, VoL 34, No. 2, pp. 307-343.
  • 7See Jeff Haynes, Ghana: From Personalist to Democratic rule, in John A. Wiseman, ed. , Democracy and Political Change in Sub - Saharan Africa, London and New York : Routledge, pp. 92 - 115.
  • 8See Kwamina Panford, Elections and Democratic Transition in Ghana: 1991 - 1996, in Jean -Germain Gros, ed. , Democratization in Late Twentieth Century Africa: Coping with Uncertainty, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1998, pp. 113 -127.
  • 9See Johanna Odonkor Svanikier, Political Elite Circulation: Implications for Leadership Diversity and Democratic Regime Stability in Ghana, Comparative Sociology, February 2007, Vol. 6 Issue 1/2, pp. 114 - 135.
  • 10See Kwamina Panford, op. cit..










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