A review of the democratization process in Africa today and the political
situation of 1992 therein shows that the continent is entering a new stage-'the
stage of post multiparty system'-with the following hallmarks: (1) The con-
version of party system has been basically completed; (2) Democratic election
has taken the place of 'national conference' and come the central content of
African democratization process;(3) The situation of blasting in a hubbub is going
to be replaced by that of intense and grim rivalries; (4) New accusations are
being brought against new regimes; (5) Older ruling parties, after experienc-
ing many vicissitudes of life, are now facing a good fortune that comes after
a long spell of bad luck; (6) There is a change in the attitudes and stra-
tegies of western powers towards African democratization process, with the
conflict between the U. S. and France broadening constantly; (7) Following
the spring tide of political change, there must emerge a spring tide of economic
construction. In a word, the relationship of friendly co-operation between
China and Africa is going to show good prospects in 'the stage of post-multi-
party system'.
West Asia and Africa