After several rounds of heated haggling, the bilateral and multi-lateral
negotiations between Arabs and Israel in the Middle East Peace Conference,
though made a certain headway but actually is a talk without peace, so far
there has been no substantial breakthrough at all,the main factors accounting
for such a situation are as follows: (1) There are serious differences be-
tween Arabs and Israel, with each side sticks to its own view and refuses
to give in to the other; (2) Both sides are restricted by a multiplicity of
elements; (3) The presential election and the handover and takeover between
the o1d and new governments in the U.S. have exercised a negative influence
over the peace talk; (4) violences and accidental outbursts have interfered
considerably the peace talk. In the coming new year the Middle East peace
talk is yet to be beset with difficulties, and going to walk with difficulty. To
keep the momentum of the peace talk, bowever, is still the general trend of
events and a situation that will accord with iuterests of various parties. At
present, the Middle East peace talk is at the crucial moment, facing a new
test, The role played by U, S, is still a matter of mack importance. That
the U. S. is to take appropriate interfering: measures, exercising greater
influence on both Arabs and Israel, espeeilaly on the latter, will prove
decisive for the peace talk to make progress.
West Asia and Africa