今年5月25日,非洲国家和人民隆重庆祝非洲统一组织成立30周年。作为非洲团结和合作的象征,非统组织已胜利走过了1/3世纪的光辉历程。 30年来,非洲大陆发生了巨大而深刻的变化。非洲已胜利完成了非殖民化的历史使命,非洲的独立国家由非统成立时的32国增加到现在的51国。非洲国家致力于经济发展,民族经济已具备一定基础。地区经济合作组织蓬勃发展,遍及全大陆。
For the past thirty years, OAU has made unremitting efforts for the sake of implementing the basic principle of 'unity, solidarity, liberationand development' promulgated in its charter and has accomplished great a-chievements. The feature of its policy is manifested differently in variousperiods. In the 1960s and the 1970s it is characterized by fixing the strategyand tactics for liberation struggles against colonialism and racism so as togive impetus to the course of liberation on the whole continent, expressingsupport for and giving aid to the emerging states which were suffering fromexternal invasion to safeguard their national independence. In the 1980s it ischaraterized by fixing the strategy and general policy of economic develop-ment, promoting vigorously regional economic development and integration,and striving energetically for the support and cooperation from internationalcommunity, In the 1990s, it is charaterized by establishing a guiding prin-ciple for political reform in Africa, setting forth a norm for interelations between African countries in the period of democratic reform, and formulating and adopting the 'Treaty of Establishing African Economic Community'to accelerate the cause of economic integration in Africa. China has consis-tently attached importance to developing friendly and cooperative relationswith OAU. Ever since the founding of OAU, China has made such anorientation an important constituent part of its policy towards Africa.
West Asia and Africa